Índice Contenido
The Cristo de los Faroles is a famous marble sculpture made by the artist Juan Navarro León in 1794. It is one of the most famous monuments of the city of Cordoba. Its original name is the “Cristo de los Desagravios y la Misericordia” although the eight lanterns that guard it made it popularized as “Cristo de los Faroles” (Christ of the Lanterns).
¿Where is the Christ of the Lanterns?
The Cristo de los Faroles is located in the Plaza de Capuchinos, very close to the famous Cuesta del Bailio and one of the most iconic places in Cordoba. This square has its origin in the year 1689 and houses the Franciscan convent and the Church of Los Dolores.
How to get to Cristo de los Faroles
The easiest way to reach the Cristo de los Faroles is on foot, due to the difficult parking in the area. In addition, it is close to the old town and other monuments of the city. However, it is also accessible by bus and cab.
How to get to the Cristo de los Faroles from the Tendillas Square
How to get to the Christ of the Lanterns from the Mosque
How to get to the Christ of the Lanterns from the Roman Temple
How to get to the Christ of the Lanterns from the Hotel Cordoba Center
How to get to the Cristo de los Faroles from the Eurostars Palace Hotel

History of the Christ of the Lanterns
The Cristo de los Faroles is a monument built in 1794 by the artist Juan Navarro León, being a reference of the Spanish baroque sculpture. This work was actually financed by the Marquises of Ariza and a friar of the Capuchin Order named Fray Diego José de Cádiz. The Plaza de Capuchinos where it is located has a rectangular shape and is undoubtedly one of the most characteristic of the city of Cordoba. The Christ is accompanied by a Franciscan convent, the hospital of San Jacinto (which was reserved for incurable patients) and the Church of Los Dolores.
The sculpture, formerly known as the Cristo de los Desagravios y Misericordia, was installed right in the middle of the square. The Christ is made of white marble and the stone cross that supports it is a clear religious symbol of a Crucified Jesus Christ. Surrounding the statue, there is a metal go with 8 lanterns that give name to such a characteristic monument.
As a curiosity, after the confiscations of the nineteenth century, the Plaza de Capuchinos was annexed to the public network, this being an important area of union, link between two neighborhoods.
During Holy Week, this square is the starting point for a multitude of brotherhoods such as the Brotherhood of the Blood and the Brotherhood of the Virgin of Sorrows.
Who created the Christ of the Lanterns?
The Cristo de los Faroles was the work of Juan Navarro León, a Spanish baroque sculptor who was commissioned to build it in 1794.
Legend of the Christ of the Lanterns
Legend has it that every night, when the clock struck twelve o’clock, a strange hooded man could be seen approaching the Christ and whispering words totally unintelligible to the listener. The man would then disappear without a trace.
It is said that finally, the man decided to reveal his secret to the community volunteers who were in charge of the sculpture of the Christ of the Lanterns. It was about a soldier of the King who was assaulted by bandits and left at their mercy. When he awoke, dying and on the verge of death, he was right at the feet of the Christ of the Lanterns. After telling this story, the man disappeared and was never found again.
From that moment on, every night at the same time, the man approached the statue to venerate the Christ and thank him for keeping him alive.
Plaza de los Capuchinos Córdoba
The Plaza de Capuchinos of Cordoba is a rectangular square located in the heart of the city, right next to the Cuesta del Bailio and place where the Cristo de los Faroles is located. Its floor is made of Cordovan cobblestone, traditionally used since the Muslim era to cool the streets in summer and withstand the heat. It is guarded by a Franciscan convent and the Church of Los Dolores.

Church of Los Dolores Córdoba
The church of Nuestra Señora de los Dolores is a religious building of baroque style, built in the 18th century. It is located in the Plaza de Capuchinos and became part of the Hospital de San Jacinto for incurable patients.
Its plant is basilical and inside you can find the image of the Virgen de los Dolores, a Marian representation followed by many devotees in Cordoba. It is therefore, the representative headquarters of the Brotherhood of Sorrows, which in Holy Week begins its itinerary from the Plaza de Capuchinos.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Christ of the Lanterns
When was the Cristo de los Faroles built?
The Cristo de los Faroles was built in 1794, being financed by the Marquises of Ariza.
Who created the statue of the Christ of the Lanterns?
The Christ of the Lanterns is a work created by Juan Navarro León, a Spanish baroque sculptor.
Where is the Cristo de los Faroles?
The Cristo de los Faroles is a baroque statue located in the famous Plaza de los Capuchinos in Cordoba, next to the Cuesta del Bailio.