Índice Contenido
Good Friday is one of the most famous days since they perform their penitential station iconic brotherhoods of the city as the Good Death at dawn, the Via Crucis of the Brotherhood of Charity in the morning and in the afternoon, the Soledad, the Expiration, the Descent, the Conversion, the Sorrows and the Holy Sepulchre.
BUENA MUERTE – MADRUGADA | |||||||||||||
0:00 | 0:30 | 1:00 | 1:30 | 2:00 | 2:30 | 3:00 | 3:30 | 4:00 | 4:30 | 5:00 | 5:15 | 5:30 | |
Salida (00:00) | Bulevar Gran Capitán | Lope de Hoces | P. Lópz Obrero | Entrada C.O. (02:10) | Perdón | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Salida C.O (03:20) | Blanco Belmonte | Pza. Emilio Luque | Gran Capitán | Bulevar Gran Capitán | Entrada (05:20) | |
11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 12:30 | 13:00 | 13:30 | 14:00 | |||||||
Salida (11:00) | Pta. Sta Catalina | Cardenal Herrero | Ángel de Saavedra | Duque de Hornachuelos | Cuesta Luján | Entrada (14:00) | |||||||
TARDE | |||||||||||||
17:00 | SALIDA (16:45) | SALIDA (17:10) | |||||||||||
18:00 | s. Fco de Sales | Ctra. Palma del Río | |||||||||||
18:30 | Pza Magdalena | Salida (18:30) | Ctra. Palma del Río | ||||||||||
19:00 | Alfonso XII | Fernando Colón | M.F. Bocanegra | SALIDA (18:50) | |||||||||
19:30 | Lineros | San Fernando | SALIDA (19:40) | Avda. Manolete | Cardenal Toledo | ||||||||
20:00 | Entrada C.Oficial (20:10) | Cardenal González | Pza. de la Iglesia | Plaza Costasol | Capitulares | ||||||||
20:30 | Torrijos | Entrada C.Oficial (20:32) | Entrada C.Oficial (20:58) | Avda. Aeropuerto | San Fernando | SALIDA (20:50) | |||||||
21:00 | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Perdón | Triunfo | Doctor Fleming | Pza. del Potro | Conde Cárdenas | |||||||
21:30 | Salida C.Oficial (21:20) | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Entrada C.Oficial (21:40) | Cruz del Rastro | San Fernando | |||||||
22:00 | Cardenal González | Salida C.Oficial (21:42)) | Salida C.Oficial (22:08) | Triunfo | Entrada C.Oficial (22:00) | Cruz del Rastro | |||||||
22:30 | San Fernando | San Fernando | Cardenal González | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Perdón | Entrada C.Oficial (22:25) | |||||||
23:00 | San Pablo | San Fernando | Ronda de Isasa | Salida C.Oficial (22:50) | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Santa Iglesia Catedral | |||||||
23:30 | Sta. María de Gracia | ENTRADA (23:05) | Puente Romano | Doctor Fleming | Salida C.Oficial (22:10) | Salida C.Oficial (23:35) | |||||||
0:00 | Mª Auxiliadora | Calahorra | Avda. Aeropuerto | Agrupación de Cofradías | Cardenal González | ||||||||
0:30 | ENTRADA (00:15) | Sta. Teresa | Camino Sastres | Tendillas | San Fernando | ||||||||
1:00 | ENTRADA (01:00) | Gran Vía Parque | Torres Cabrera | ENTRADA (01:05) | |||||||||
1:30 | Avda. MAnolete | ENTRADA (01:25) | |||||||||||
2:00 | Quesada y Chacón | ||||||||||||
2:30 | Ctra. Palma del Río | ||||||||||||
3:00 | ENTRADA (03:10) |
Download Good Friday Schedule Cordoba 2023
The official schedule for Good Friday Cordoba 2023 has not been published yet.
Download below the official Holy Week schedule for Good Friday in Cordoba 2022. Click on the following link.
Good Friday Schedule Cordoba 2023
Itinerary of the Brotherhood of the Good Death 2023
The Brotherhood of the Good Death receives the nickname of Brotherhood of Nazarenes Congregants of the Holy Christ of the Good Death and Our Lady Queen of the Martyrs of Cordoba. Founded in 1944, it has 2 floats, the first one the Holy Christ of the Good Death, and in the second one, Our Lady Queen of the Martyrs of Cordoba.
Horario y carrera oficial Hermandad de la Buena Muerte 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Good Death of 2022 will be as follows:
Exit 00.00h, Boulevard Gran Capitán, Lope de Hoces, P. López Obrero, Entrance to the Carrera Oficial (2:10), Perdón, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial (3:20), Blanco Belmonte, Plaza Emilio Luque, Gran Capitán, Entrance 05.20h.
Color of the Nazarenes Hermandad de la Buena Muerte (Brotherhood of the Good Death)
The costume of this brotherhood consists of a tunic with a black tail and a black face cover and an esparto grass belt.
Accompaniment of the Brotherhood of Charity
This brotherhood, being a brotherhood of silence, is not accompanied by any music.
Images Brotherhood of the Good Death
In this scene, Christ is crucified, and Our Lady of the Martyrs of Cordoba can be seen under a canopy.

Image of the Holy Christ of the Good Death obtained from the official Facebook page of the Brotherhood of the Good Death of Cordoba.
To which church does the Brotherhood of the Good Death belong?
The brotherhood of the Good Death belongs to the Royal Collegiate Church of San Hipólito, located on the Boulevard de Gran Capitán, in the heart of the city.
Itinerary of the Way of the Cross of the Brotherhood of Charity 2023
This Via Crucis has its foundation in the 15th century and its refoundation in 1939 and consists of only one step.
Timetable and official route of the Way of the Cross of the Brotherhood of Charity 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Via Crucis of the Brotherhood of Charity of 2022 was as follows:
Departure 11:00, Puerta Santa Catalina, Cardenal Herrero, Ángel de Saavedra, Duque de Hornachuelos, Cuesta Luján, Entrance 14:00.
Color of the Nazarenes Stations of the Cross of the Brotherhood of Charity
The costume of this procession consists of a black tunic with red buttons, a red breastplate and a red and black cincture.
Accompanying the Way of the Cross of the Brotherhood of La Caridad
This Via Crucis is accompanied by the Band of Drums and Bugles of the Gran Capitan, 1st of the Legion.
Images of the Way of the Cross of the Brotherhood of Charity
In this Way of the Cross, Jesus Crucified is carried on the shoulders of legionary Knights of the Tercio Gran Capitan.

Which church does the Way of the Cross of the Brotherhood of Charity 2022 belong to?
This Via Crucis belongs to the Parish of San Francisco and San Eulogio, located in the Plaza de San Francisco next to San Fernando Street.
Itinerary Hermandad de la Soledad 2023
The Brotherhood of Solitude is known as the Franciscan Brotherhood of the Blessed Sacrament and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Cross on Mount Calvary and Mary of Solitude. Founded in 1975, it consists of a single step in which is Mary Most Holy of Solitude.
Timetable and official race Hermandad de la Soledad 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of Solitude of 2022 was as follows:
Exit 16.45h, San Francisco de Sales, Plaza de la Magdalena, Alfonso XII, Lineros, Entrance Carrera Oficial (20:10), Torrijos, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial (21:20), Cardenal González, San Fernando, San Pablo, Santa María de Gracia, María Auxiliadora, Entrance 00:30.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of La Soledad
The clothing of this brotherhood consists of a brown Franciscan tunic and surcoat and white cincture.
Hermandad de la Soledad Musical Accompaniment
This is the first year that the Soledad is accompanied by music, on behalf of the Banda de Música de La Estrella de Córdoba.
Images Brotherhood of La Soledad
In this scene, Mary is seen all alone at the foot of the cross after being taken down from it.

To which church does the Brotherhood of Soledad belong?
The Brotherhood of La Soledad belonged in 2020 to the Parish of Santiago, but confirmed in 2021 the transfer of its canonical seat to the Parish of Santa Maria de Guadalupe, from where it will procession this year.
Itinerary Hermandad de la Expiración 2023
The Brotherhood of the Expiration receives the nickname of Real, Venerable and Illustrious Brotherhood of Penance and Brotherhood of Nazarenes of the Holy Christ of the Expiration, Mary Most Holy of Silence and Our Lady of the Rosary in her Mysterious Sorrowful Crowned and St. Anthony Mary Claret. Founded in 1918, it consists of 2 steps, in the first, we find the Holy Christ of the Expiration with Mary Most Holy of Silence, and in the second, Our Lady of the Rosary in her Mysterious Sorrowful Sorrows.
Timetable and official race Hermandad de la Expiración 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Expiration of 2022 was as follows:
Exit 18:25, Fernando Colón, San Fernando, Cardenal González, Entrance Official Career (20:30), Triunfo, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Official Career (21:42), San Fernando, Entrance 23:30.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of Expiration
The costume of this brotherhood consists of a black tunic and a black face cover with an esparto grass belt.
Hermandad de la Expiración Musical Accompaniment
This brotherhood is accompanied, in the first step by the Musical Chapel “Ars Sacra” of Ecija, Seville. In the second step, is accompanied by the Agrupación Musical Ecijana AMUECI of Ecija, Seville.

To which church does the Hermandad de la Expiración belong?
The Brotherhood of the Expiration belongs to the Royal Church of San Pablo, located in front of the City Hall on Priego de Córdoba Street.
Itinerary of the Brotherhood of the Descent from the Cross 2023
The Brotherhood of the Descent is known as the Brotherhood of the Holy Christ of the Descent, Mary Most Holy of Refuge, St. John the Evangelist and Our Lady of the Good End. Founded in 1937, it consists of 2 steps where in the first one we find the Holy Christ of the Descent, and in the second one, Our Lady of the Good End.
Timetable and official race Hermandad del Descendimiento 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Descent of 2022 was as follows:
Departure 19:40, Plaza de la Iglesia, Calahorra, Puente Romano, EntranceCarrera Oficial (20:58), Triunfo, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial (22:08), Cardenal González, Ronda de Isasa, Puente Romano, Calahorra, Santa Teresa, Entrance 1:00.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of the Descent from the Cross
The costume of this brotherhood consists of a white tunic, with a red sash and red neck coverings.
Brotherood del Descendimiento Musical Accompaniment
This brotherhood is accompanied, in first place, by the Banda de Cornetas y Tambores de Nuestro Padre Jesús Caído y Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta de Córdoba, in second place, by the Banda Maestro Enrique Galán de Rota, Cádiz.
Images Brotherhood of the Descent from the Cross
In this scene, we find Jesus being taken down from the cross by the holy men in the presence of Mary, St. John, Mary Magdalene, Salome and Cleophas. Secondly, we find Our Lady of the Good End, a sorrowful virgin.

Which church does the Brotherhood of the Descent from the Cross belong to?
The Brotherhood of the Descent from the Cross belongs to the Parish of St. Joseph and the Holy Spirit, located in the Plaza de Santa Teresa, in the neighborhood of Fray Albino.
Itinerary Hermandad de los Dolores 2023
The Hermandad de los Dolores is nicknamed Real, Venerable and Illustrious Servite Brotherhood of Our Lady of Sorrows Crowned and the Holy Christ of Clemency. Founded in 1699, it is one of the most long-lived brotherhoods of Cordoba, being one of the most iconic brotherhoods of the city. This brotherhood has 2 steps, firstly, we find the Holy Christ of Clemency, and secondly, we find Our Lady of Sorrows Crowned.
Timetable and official race Hermandad de los Dolores 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Expiration of 2022 was as follows:
Exit 18:50, Cardenal Toledo, Capitulares, San Fernando, Plaza del Potro, Cruz Conde, Entrance Carrera Oficial (22:00), Perdón, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial (23:10), Agrupación de Cofradías, Plaza de las Tendillas, Torres Cabrera, Entrance 1:25.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of Sorrows
The clothing of this brotherhood consists of a black tunic and black cloak, accompanied by a black cape, in case of the charges.
Hermandad de los Dolores Musical Accompaniment
These steps are accompanied by two bands of the city. In the first step, we find the Banda de Cornetas y Tambores Coronación de Espinas de Córdoba. In the second step, we find the Banda de Música Fernando Guerrero de los Palacios y Villafranca, Sevilla.
Images Hermandad de los Dolores
In this scene, we find, in the first place, Jesus Crucified, and in the second place, we find one of the only two virgins who are not under a canopy, who represents or reminds us of the pains he suffered.

To which church does the Hermandad de los Dolores belong?
The Brotherhood of Sorrows belongs to the Church of San Jacinto, located in one of the most iconic squares of the city as it is, the Plaza de Capuchinos, which we will find in the center of the city.
Itinerary Brotherhood of the Sepulcher 2023
The Brotherhood of the Sepulchre receives the nickname of Brotherhood of the Immaculate Conception and Very Ancient of Nazarenes of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Sepulchre and Our Lady of Disconsolation in his Solitude. Founded in 1573, it is one of the longest brotherhoods of the city, having its reorganization in 1973. It consists of 2 steps, in the first one we find Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Sepulchre, and in the second step, Our Lady of Dismay in her Solitude.
Timetable and official race Hermandad del Sepulcro 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Sepulchre 2022 was as follows:
Exit 20:50, Conde de Cárdenas, San Fernando, Cruz del Rastro, Entrance Carrera Oficial (22:25), Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial (23:35), Cardenal González, San Fernando, Entrance 1:05.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of the Sepulchre
The costume of this brotherhood consists of a black tunic with a black tail and a black face cover with an abaca belt.
Hermandad del Sepulcro Musical Accompaniment
In the first step, we find a Chapel Trio, and in the second step, we find the Cantabile Choir.
Images Brotherhood of the Sepulcher
In this scene, we observe the body of Jesus lying in a tomb, on the other hand, we find the Virgin Mary surrounded by St. John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene, who represent the mourning.

To which church does the Brotherhood of the Sepulcher belong?
The Brotherhood of the Sepulchre belongs to the Parish of Salvador and Santo Domingo de Silos, located in the Plaza de la Compañía, a few meters from the Plaza de las Tendillas located in the center of the city.
Itinerary of the Brotherhood of the Conversion 2023
The Brotherhood of the Conversion receives the nickname of Brotherhood and Confraternity of Nazarenes of the Holy Christ of Prayer and Charity in the Conversion of the Good Thief, Mary Most Holy of Health and Consolation and Our Lady of the Rosary. Founded in the year 2004, it is one of the youngest brotherhoods of the city, having the approval of the statutes in the year 2017 and finishing its process of prohermandad, thus receiving, its participation in official route in the present year 2022. It has 1 single step, in which we find, the Holy Christ of Prayer and Charity in the Conversion of the Good Thief.
Timetable and official race Hermandad de la Conversión 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Conversion 2022 was as follows:
Exit 17:50, Carretera Palma del Río, Manuel Fuentes Bocanegra, Avenida Manolete, Plaza Costa Sol, Avenida del Aeropuerto, Doctor Fleming, Entry Carrera Oficial (21:50), Torrijos, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial (22:50), Doctor Fleming, Avenida del Aeropuerto, Camino Sastres, Gran Vía Parque, Avenida Manolete, Quesada y Chacón, Carretera de Palma del Río, Entry 3:10.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of Conversion
The clothing of this brotherhood consists of a green tunic with a black cloak and face cover, accompanied by a white cincture and a rosary at the waist.
Hermandad de la Conversión Musical Accompaniment
This brotherhood is accompanied by the Agrupación Musical San Miguel Arcángel de Puertollano, Ciudad Real.
Images Brotherhood of the Conversion
In this scene, we observe Jesus crucified, where the moment in which Jesus speaks with the good thief is represented.

To which church does the Conversion Fellowship belong?
The Brotherhood of the Conversion belongs to the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary and Saint Beatriz de Silva, located in the Electromechanical neighborhood, on Avenida de la Fabrica.