Índice Contenido
Palm Sunday is the first day of our Week of Passion, Death and Resurrection, it is a day in which numerous Brotherhoods make their Station of Penitence, the first one in the morning and the others during the afternoon until the arrival of the night or early morning. These brotherhoods are: La Entrada Triunfal, Las Penas, El Rescatado, La Esperanza, El Amor and El Huerto.
10:00 | 10:30 | 11:00 | 11:30 | 12:00 | 12:30 | 13:00 | 13:30 | 14:00 | 14:30 | 15:00 | 15:30 |
Salida | Ronda de Andújar | San Pedro | Cruz del Rastro | Entrada C.O. | Sta. Iglesia Catedral | Salida C.O. | Cardenal González | San Fernando | Capitulares | Pza. San Andrés | Entrada (15:45) |
TARDE | |||||||||||
16:00 | SALIDA (16:00) | ||||||||||
16:30 | María Auxiliadora | SALIDA (16:40) | |||||||||
17:00 | SALIDA (16:40) | Arroyo San Lorenzo | Capitulares | ||||||||
17:30 | Lineros | Alfonso XII | Arco Bajo | SALIDA (17:20) | SALIDA (17:30) | ||||||
18:00 | Cruz del Rastro | Pza. Vizconde de Miranda | Pza. de la Almagra | Beato Henares | San Fernando | ||||||
18:30 | Entrada C.Oficial (18:30) | Lineros | Don Rodrigo | Beato Henares | Diario de Córdoba | ||||||
19:00 | Perdón | Entrada C.Oficial (19:07) | Lucano | Adalid | Plaza de la Corredera | ||||||
19:30 | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Perdón | Entrada C.Oficial (19:42) | Pza. de Santa Teresa | Plaza San Pedro | ||||||
20:00 | Salida C.Oficial (19:40) | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Torrijos | Entrada C.Oficial (20:17) | Lineros | ||||||
20:30 | Cardenal González | Salida C.Oficial (20:17) | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Torrijos | Paseo de la Ribera | ||||||
21:00 | Tierra Andaluza | San Fernando | Salida C.Oficial (20:52) | Santa Iglesia Catedral | Entrada C.Oficial (21:00) | ||||||
21:30 | Tundidores | San Fernando | Cardenal González | Salida C.Oficial (21:27) | Perdón | ||||||
22:00 | Pza. del Socorro | Capitulares | San Fernando | Triunfo | Santa Iglesia Catedral | ||||||
22:30 | Pza. Stmo. Cristo de las Penas | San Andrés | Capitulares | Puente Romano | Salida C.Oficial (22:10) | ||||||
23:00 | ENTRADA (22:50) | Sta. María de Gracia | ENTRADA (23:10) | Rosario | San Fernando | ||||||
23:30 | Jesús del Calvario | Beato Henares | ENTRADA (23:30) | ||||||||
0:00 | Pza. Cristo de Gracia | ENTRADA (00:20) | |||||||||
0:30 | ENTRADA (00:15) |
Download Palm Sunday Schedule Cordoba 2023
We have schedules for each day of Holy Week. If you want to download the schedule of Palm Sunday Cordoba 2023, click on the following link:
Palm Sunday Schedule Cordoba 2023
Itinerary of the Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry 2023
The Brotherhood and Confraternity of Nuestro Padre Jesús de los Reyes in his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem, María Santísima de la Victoria and Nuestra Señora de la Palma.
More popularly known as the Brotherhood of the Borriquita, is a penitential Brotherhood of the Holy Week of Cordoba, founded in 1963. This brotherhood consists of 2 steps, first, Our Father Jesus of the Kings in his Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem accompanied by Mary Most Holy of Victory, and secondly, Our Lady of La Palma.
Official Timetable and Official Run of the Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Borriquita of 2022 was as follows:
Departure 10:00h, Ronda de Andújar, Plaza de San Pedro, Cruz de Rastro, Official Race 12.00h, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Start of the Official Race 13.00h, C/ Cardenal González, San Fernando, C/Capitulares, Plaza de San Andrés, Entrance 15.45h.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry 2023
The clothing of the Nazarenes of this brotherhood varies depending on whether they accompany the Virgin or the Christ. With the Christ they wear a bone-colored tunic, with a Hebrew turban and red sash, and with the Virgin they wear a bone-colored tunic and face cover and red sash.
Musical Accompaniment Hermandad de las Entrada Triunfal (Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry)
The accompaniment of this brotherhood in the first step is the Banda de Cornetas y Tambores “Nuestro Padre Jesús Caído y Nuestra Señora de la Fuensanta”, Córdoba. The second step, takes the Municipal Symphonic Band of Dos Torres, Cordoba.
Images Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entrance
In this scene the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is represented together with other figures that represent the people, among them María Santísima de la Victoria. On the other hand, in the paso de palio, we find the Virgen de la Palma.
![Itinerary Palm Sunday Cordoba 2023 8 ENTRADA TRIUNFAL](https://tocordoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ENTRADA-TRIUNFAL.jpg)
To which church does the Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry belong?
The Brotherhood of the Triumphal Entry belongs to the Royal Parish of San Lorenzo Martir, located in the neighborhood of San Lorenzo in Santa Maria de Gracia Street.
Itinerary Hermandad de las Penas de Santiago 2023
Brotherhood and Confraternity of the Holy Christ of Sorrows, Our Lady and Mother of the Forsaken, St. John the Evangelist, Mary Most Holy of the Conception and Santiago.
One of the longest brotherhoods of the city, founded in 1956 and consists of 2 steps, the first Santísimo Cristo de las Penas with Our Lady and San Juan Evangelista, the second step is formed by María Santísima de la Concepción and Santiago Apóstol.
Timetable and Official Run of the Hermandad de las Penas de Santiago 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Sorrows of Santiago in 2022 was as follows:
Exit 16.40h, C/ Lineros, Cruz de Rastro, Carrera Oficial 18.30h, C/ Perdón, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial 19.40h, C/ Cardenal González, C/ Tierra Andaluza, C/ Tundidores, Plaza de Socorro, Plaza Santísimo Cristo de las Penas, Entrance 22.50h.
Color of the Nazarenes Hermandad de las Penas de Santiago 2023
The tunic of this Brotherhood is blood red, the face, cape and cincture are black.
Musical Accompaniment Hermandad de las Penas of Santiago
The accompaniment of this brotherhood in the first step is the Agrupación Musical Santa Cecilia de Aguilar de la Frontera, Córdoba. The second step, carries the Banda de Música “Las Golondrinas” of Vélez-Málaga.
Images Hermandad de las Penas de Santiago (Brotherhood of the Sorrows of Santiago)
In this scene, we find Christ dead on the cross and at his feet the Virgin accompanied by St. John. And in the paso de palio, we find a representation of the Virgin in her most painful moments.
![Itinerary Palm Sunday Cordoba 2023 9 PENAS](https://tocordoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/PENAS.jpg)
To which church does the Brotherhood of Las Penas de Santiago belong?
The Brotherhood of the Sorrows of Santiago belongs to the Parish of Santiago Apostle, located in the narrow street of Ronquillo Briceño.
Itinerary Hermandad del Rescatado 2023
Illustrious and Pious Brotherhood and Confraternity of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno Rescatado and María Santísima de la Amargura.
This brotherhood is one of the best known brotherhoods of Cordoba, being founded in 1941. It consists of two floats, the first one Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno Rescatado and the second one María Santísima de la Amargura.
Timetable and official race Hermandad del Rescatado 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Rescatado of 2022 was as follows:
Exit 16.00h, C/ María Auxiliadora, Arroyo de San Lorenzo, C/ Alfonso XII, Plaza Vizconde de Miranda, C/ Lineros Carrera Oficial 19.07, C/ Perdón, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit official Race 20.17h, C/ San Fernando, C/ Capitulares, Plaza de San Andrés, C/ Santa María de Gracia, C/ Jesús del Calvario, Plaza Cristo de Gracia, Entrance 00.15h.
Color of the Nazarenes Hermandad del Rescatado Brotherhood
The tunic of this brotherhood is white as well as its cape and its hood and cincture are purple.
Hermandad del Rescatado Musical Accompaniment
The accompaniment of this brotherhood in the first step is the Banda de Cornetas y Tambores de la Coronación de Espinas de Córdoba. The second step, carries the Banda de Música Nuestra Señora de la Estrella de Córdoba..
Images Hermandad del Rescatado Brotherhood
In this scene we find Jesus Captive in solitude with his hands tied with a rope, and in the paso de palio we find a very painful virgin, because she knew what the future held for her son.
![Itinerary Palm Sunday Cordoba 2023 10 RESCATADO](https://tocordoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/RESCATADO-1024x684.jpg)
To which church does the Hermandad del Rescatado belong?
The Brotherhood of the Rescatado belongs to the Parish of Our Lady of Grace, Trinitarian Fathers of Cordoba, located in the Plaza de Cristo de Gracia.
Itinerary Hermandad de la Esperanza 2023
The Hermandad de la Esperanza has as its official name Ilustre y Venerable Hermandad y Cofradía de Nuestro Padre Jesús de las Penas y María Santísima de la Esperanza, was founded in 1940, it consists of 2 steps, in the first step Nuestro Padre Jesús de las Penas, and in the second step, María Santísima de la Esperanza.
Timetable and Official Run of the Hermandad de la Esperanza 2023
The route and schedule has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of Hope of 2022 was as follows:
Departure 16.40, C/ Capitulares, Arco Bajo, Plaza de la Almagra, C/ Don Rodrigo, C/ Lucano, Carrera Oficial 19.42h, Torrijos, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Salida Carrera Oficial 20.52h, C/ Cardenal González, C/ San Fernando, C/ Capitulares, Entrance 23.10h.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of Hope
The clothing of this brotherhood is made up of a white tunic with green buttons, green breastplate and cincture and a white cape with green laps.
Hermandad de la Esperanza Musical Accompaniment
This brotherhood is accompanied by two music bands, in the first step, we find the Agrupación Musical La Pasión de Linares de Jaén, and the second step is accompanied by the Banda de Música María Santísima de la Esperanza de Córdoba.
Images Hermandad de la Esperanza (Brotherhood of Hope)
In this scene, the moment in which Jesus is ordered to carry the cross to go to Mount Calvary is represented, accompanied by two more slaves, two Roman soldiers and a Sanhedrite. In the paso de palio, we find María Santísima de la Esperanza dolorosa.
![Itinerary Palm Sunday Cordoba 2023 11 ESPERANZA](https://tocordoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/ESPERANZA.jpg)
Which church does the Brotherhood of Hope belong to?
The Brotherhood of Hope belongs to the Parish of St. Andrew, one of the Fernandine churches of Cordoba.
Itinerary of the Brotherhood of Love 2023
The Hermanda del Amor is called Real Hermandad y Cofradía del Santísimo Cristo del Amor, was founded in 1940, consists of 3 steps, in the first step Our Father of Silence in the contempt of Herod, in the second step, Santísimo Cristo del Amor and the third step, María Santísima de la Encarnación.
Timetable and official race Hermandad del Amor 2023
The route and schedule or has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of Love of 2022 was as follows:
Exit 17.20h, C/ Beato Henares, C/ Adalid, Plaza de Santa Teresa, Carrera Oficial 20.17, C/ Torrijos, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Exit Carrera Oficial 21:27, Plaza del Triunfo, Puente Romano, Bajada del Puente, C/ Rosario, C/ Beato Henares, Entrance 00.20h.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of Love 2023
The clothing of this brotherhood recreates the Dominican habit with cream-colored tunic and scapular, face cover and black cape and black leather belt.
Musical Accompaniment Brotherhood of Love 2023
The accompaniment of this brotherhood in the first step is the Agrupación Musical Stmo. Cristo de Gracia de Córdoba. The second step, carries the Band of Bugles and Drums “Nuestra Señora de la Salud” of Cordoba. And the third step, is accompanied by the Banda de Música “Cristo del Amor” de Córdoba in the paso de palio.
Images Brotherhood of Love
This scene depicts the moment when Jesus is crucified accompanied by St. John and the Virgin Mary. In the paso de palio, we find Mary Most Holy of the Incarnation in her worst moments.
Images Brotherhood of Love
This scene depicts the moment when Jesus is crucified accompanied by St. John and the Virgin Mary. In the paso de palio, we find Mary Most Holy of the Incarnation in her worst moments.
![Itinerary Palm Sunday Cordoba 2023 12 AMOR 1](https://tocordoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/AMOR-1-1024x659.jpg)
To which Church does the Brotherhood of Love belong?
The Brotherhood of Love belongs to the Parish of Jesus Divino Obrero, located in Beato Henares Street in Cordoba.
Itinerary Hermandad del Huerto 2023
The Hermandad del Huerto has as official name Hermandad y Cofradía de Nuestro padre Jesús de la Oración en el Huerto, Señor Amarrado a la Columna y María Santísima de la Candelaria y San Eloy Obispo. It was founded in 1977, it consists of 3 steps, in the first step Our Father Jesus of the Prayer in the Garden, in the second step, Our Father Prisoner Tied to the Column and Mary Most Holy of the Candelaria.
Timetable and official race Hermandad del Huerto 2023
The route and schedule or has undergone some changes from previous years. The route of the Brotherhood of the Orchard of 2022 was as follows:
Exit 17.30h, C/ San Fernando, C/ Diario Córdoba, Plaza de la Corredera, Plaza de la Almagra, Plaza de San Pedro, C/ Lineros, Paseo de la Ribera, Carrera Oficial 21.00h, C/ Perdón, Santa Iglesia Catedral, Salida Carrera Oficial 22.10h, , C/ San Fernando, Entrance 23.30h.
Color of the Nazarenes Brotherhood of El Huerto
The clothing of this brotherhood consists of a dark green tunic and white merino cape, Franciscan cincture and white buttons.
Hermandad del Huerto Musical Accompaniment
The musical accompaniment of this brotherhood is, in the first step, Agrupación Musical Nuestro Padre Jesús de la Redención de Córdoba, the second, Banda de Música “Tubamirum” de Cañete de las Torres de Córdoba and finally, in the third step, Banda de Música “Amueci” de Écija de Sevilla.
Images Hermandad del Huerto
In this passage, Jesus is represented praying in the garden when the angel appears to comfort him. In second place, we find Jesus tied to the column, moment in which he is scourged by a Roman. In third place, in the canopy, we find María Santísima de la Candelaria dolorosa.
![Itinerary Palm Sunday Cordoba 2023 13 HUERTO 1](https://tocordoba.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/HUERTO-1.jpg)
To which church does the Hermandad del Huerto belong?
The Hermandad del Huerto has its canonical seat in the Parish of San Francisco and San Eulogio.